I think i'll kick off with some misogynistic bastards I saw earlier...

What I witnessed ruined my evening. We were behind the car above. White Nissan Micra, reg:M809 DVV - 3 young male passengers. Quite a lot of traffic on the road due to taxis and people crossing at any given point - including a group of 3 or so young women who were dressed in such a way to 'catch their death' on this bitter December night...and I was just about to remark on how she probably ought to have worn tights and a jacket because it's so frickin cold when a hand appeared from out the backseat window on the driver's side of the micra and grabbed her buttock. Needless to say she jumped in shock and the traffic moved so I couldn't see any further reaction from her, but the guys in the car continued to jeer and shout at women all the way down the road until we turned.
There were police around - there always is on a weekend on Broad St - they would have heard the comments if they weren't too busy having a nice chat outside the 'gentlemans club' rocket club but would they have done anything about it? Probably not. Don't want to hold up traffic just to tell off a few young men for doing what comes naturally after all!
bastards. in fact I think what I said at the time was 'bastardy fuckers' which given the lack of grammar shows how shocked I was. Dee was also vocally appalled, which is just as well because he should be! It was appalling!
Look out for this car, beware.
Firstly, HI Grace, it is good to see another UK feminist bloggger on the scene.
Now! What about those entitled little drive by shits? Lets hope someone recognises their reg no and gives them a hard time. More than likely reasoning such as ‘just a laugh’ and ‘boys will be boys’ will excuse what is actually sexually abusive behaviour.
Good work at getting the pic!
Dee was quick with passing me his phone to capture the gits! Depsite the fact that he was driving!
I had to roll my window up as we passed them otherwise I would have started on them - which I know I should have done really but i'm extra conscious about causing a public scene where police are around, would look good to my employers if I pisssed off the police...I know, i'm a wimp...this is what I need help with!
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